Christmas Services

In addition to the services listed below, there are special Christmas events and services at the other local Methodist Churches in our ‘circuit’, eg. if you would like to attend a Christmas Eve late night communion

Sunday 3rd December 10.30am – Gift Service

We celebrate the start of Advent by lighting the first candle, and bringing gifts for distribution by local charities Stripey Stork and I Choose Freedom

Sunday 10th December 10.30am – Nativity Service

Junior Church have been rehearsing their version of the Nativity story, to be performed during the service. Please note this will not be live-streamed due to safeguarding considerations

Sunday 17th December 6.30pm – Carols by Candlelight

Join us for a traditional service of readings and carols, with an augmented choir and orchestra. Mince pies and non-alcoholic mulled wine afterwards

Christmas Eve 24th December 4.30pm – Children’s Christingle Service

A short service particularly for children, who will be able to make their own Christingle orange and hear about the meaning of the various parts that go together

Christmas Day 10am – Family service

Bring a favourite present to show, sing carols and songs, and get home in plenty of time for Christmas dinner !