What we believe

Methodists are called to respond to God’s love in worship and mission. We celebrate through worship, and help people to grow as Christians with support and care for each other. Through mission and evangelism we try to be good neighbours to people in need, and to make more followers of Christ

The Methodist Church does not have any exclusive beliefs.  It holds the traditional beliefs based on the New Testament and summarised in the classic creeds.  It belongs to the Reformed stream of Christianity.  It has entered into ‘shared’ church schemes with the Church of England and the United Reformed Church, and it cooperates with other churches including the Roman Catholic Church, in worship and social activities serving local communities.

The Methodist Church puts particular emphasis on Salvation by Faith for all people, traditionally expressed as: “All need to be saved.  All may be saved.  All may know themselves to be saved.  All may be saved to the uttermost.”

Find out more about our beliefs and doctrines at the Methodist Church of Great Britain