Since restarting services in church after covid-19 closure we have been streaming the Sunday service live on our youtube channel , which also provides the facility to view recordings afterwards. This is kept under review regularly but at present we feel the benefit to those who are unable to attend in person is worth the extra attention required to privacy concerns
A direct link to the stream for each Sunday will normally be posted on our Facebook page a day or two before. On our youtube page you’ll find the most recent services, or navigate to videos for older recordings
Cameras are at the back of the church. Streamed video shows closeups of the preacher when they are speaking, and a wider view of the church during hymns, but the latter will only show the centre of the rear area. Therefore if you sit in the back four pews, away from the centre you will not appear on camera, and we also avoid showing the wide view while people are coming into church, leaving, or at the communion rail. If in any doubt please speak to one of the stewards as you arrive