The highlight of our week is our worship together every Sunday from 10.30 am to about 11.30 am, led by either our own minister, one of the other Circuit ministers or a local preacher. We sing a mix of traditional hymns and more modern worship songs, accompanied by the organ or our music group and with words projected on large screens. Services include prayers, a talk/sermon and occasionally a drama sketch.
School-age children are included in the first part of the service, where there is usually an interactive talk or activity. During term-time children up to school year 4 can then go to Junior Church for activities including stories, crafts and baking. Older children are invited to the ‘Hi 5’ group for discussion and games – it also often features food !
There is a creche in one of the meeting rooms from the start of the service, with a wide selection of toys. Parents are welcome to keep babies and small children in church if they prefer, and activity packs are available from the door stewards at the back
Occasionally we have ‘all age’ services for special occasions, where children stay in church for the whole service. About once a month the service includes Holy Communion, which all are welcome to receive (you don’t need to be confirmed). Stewards will invite you to go up to the communion rail where gluten-free bread and individual glasses of non-alcoholic wine are distributed. You can simply remain in your seat if you don’t wish to receive, and you can ask for communion to be brought to you. At this service, the children start in their own groups and then come into church towards the end to receive communion or a blessing. A communion service usually ends at about 11.45 am.
Worship is followed by a chance to get to know each other over tea and coffee in the Hub cafe – all are welcome.