
We are a warm, inclusive and caring community of all ages, in which people from across the spectrum of Christian experience and theological views are enabled to grow in their relationship with God and with each other. In addition to regular Sunday worship we explore and practice our faith in various other ways, and serve the people around us through our Community Centre, staffed by friendly volunteers

We are part of the Methodist Church of Great Britain, and of a group of local Methodist churches known as the Redhill and East Grinstead Circuit (part of the South-East District)

Events in the next week

Full calendar here

February 2025

Friday February 21

2:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Open House Group
Room G2 - Reigate Community Centre, High Street, RH2 9AE

This is a small, welcoming house group suited to those over 60 but everyone is welcome! 
We meet monthly and after a tea, coffee and a prayer, we may have some bible study, discuss items of interest from articles or services we have seen or just mull over things that are troubling us or interest us. 
Our varied programme of events also includes the occasional speaker.  This month, we will be looking at the Flourish section of A Methodist Way of Life, which deals with how we care for God’s creation.
— All are welcome
— No booking necessary, just drop in
— Free For further information, please speak to Jean Lines or Janet Dick

Sunday February 23

10:30 am – 11:30 am
Morning Service
Reigate Methodist Church - Reigate Methodist Church, 53 High Street, Reigate, RH2 9AE

The service will be led by our own minister, Rev. Elisabeth Brooks.
New here?: Take a look at our [FAQ’s](https://reigatemethodist.org.uk/new-here/frequently-asked-questions/) before your first visit Watch online:  You can watch our services live on our YouTube channel or view them afterwards on catchup: 
PLEASE NOTE that as this service is being live streamed on the internet, any children or others who do not want to be visible, may wish to sit in pews away from the centre of the Church. If you have any queries, please ask the door stewards on duty

12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Newcomer Lunch - Clarke Hall Picnic
The Clarke Hall - Reigate Community Centre, 53 High Street, Reigate, RH2 9AE

Have you been coming to our church for only a short while?
We would love to have the opportunity to get to know you a little more – and also give you the space to get to know each other better.
The Pastoral Team invites you to bring a picnic to eat after the morning service on 23rd of February in the Clarke Hall.
There will be things for children to do, and time for adults to chat.
If you’d like to know more, please speak to myself, Elizabeth Smith, or Elisabeth Brooks. Looking forward to seeing you all then.

Monday February 24

8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Badminton Group
The Clarke Hall - Reigate Community Centre, 53 High Street, Reigate, RH2 9AE

Join us for a relaxed game of badminton each week in the Clarke Hall. We meet every Monday except on Bank Holidays or when the Community Centre is closed

— No booking necessary, just drop in (regulars will be invited to join the WhatsApp group to help organise the sessions) 
— Everyone over 18 welcome, whatever your level of skill
— Bring your own racket if you have one (but we have some available to borrow)
— Shuttlecocks provided
— Refreshments provided
— £3.00 a session Contact Stephen Tickell or Amanda Rayner for more information.

Tuesday February 25

9:30 am – 11:30 am
The Clarke Hall - Reigate Community Centre, 53 High Street, Reigate, RH2 9AE

The Toddler Group at Reigate Methodist Church is a great way to meet other parents and carers. For the children, it’s a fantastic time for play, music and dance. Join us between 09:30 and 11:30.

— Everyone welcome
— For children up to four
— Booking required – see below
— £3.00 a session, per family
— Term time only Each session costs £3.00 (plus a 30p booking fee). Please go to https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/reigate/reigate-community-centre to reserve your place.(https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/reigate/reigate-community-centre)

From our facebook page