Dear beloved brothers

Dear beloved brothers and sisters in Christđź’ť,
Do please pray for dear Iris Grace, for her complete healing, for all who are suffering especially dear children, for our beloved King Charles, our Royal Family, for Dear Princess Charlotte, Dear princess Miss Isla and her dear Family, for Dear Princesses Leonor and Sofia and their Family Royal, for all people ( all are Kings Queens Princes Knights and Princesses ), for all our dear brothers and sisters in Christ, for our dear Local Pastors Francis and Stephen, our Church leader Anthony, for my mum who joined a cult, pray that she will return to the true Christian Church very very soon, be truly led by the Holy Spirit, Guarded by Dearest Father Almighty, Dearest Lord Jesus our God, Dearest Holy Spirit, “Join in a song with sweet accord” with all the angels and saints of Dearest LORD, we may with one voice, proclaim the Truth of the Gospel.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Do please pray for my Friend Mary and me.
That we may pray always better together sweeter
Always with Dearest Holy Spirit, always with Dearest Jesus our Lord, always in Dearest Heavenly Father’s presence, always-
Pray that we may be always humble meek and pure, with Hearts humble and meek and pure- always filled with God’s Love.
Pray that we may always be” dear children of Dearest God” abide always with Dearest Jesus our Lord with His Dearest Holy Spirit always in Dearest Heavenly Father’s presence, always.
And Pray that i may always be more obedient more and more-to Dearest Jesus our Lord to Dearest Holy Spirit to Dearest Heavenly Father, be always just what-whom Dearest Jesus our Lord Wilt me to be, and know and do and think and pray just what Dearest Jesus our Lord Wilt me to know and do and think and pray, and If Lord Wills, with the Help of the Holy Spirit, know my English, History and grammar better.
Do please pray for our Dear Pastor Stephen , that he may Study our Dear Bible Better, Pray Better, Preach Better, and lead Better always, and even, if Lord Wills, Study with the Help of Dearest Holy Spirit Better, study dear Church History, History of our dear beloved England-our dear United Kingdom, our dear island stories Better, and be always a “True Christian” “Better-Always”.
Forgive me O Dearest Jesus our Lord,
Forgive me dear brothers and sisters in Christ, forgive me so many requests, forgive me my foolishness, -O Dearest Jesus our LORD-
thank you all dear brothers and sisters in Christ dearly, may Dearest Jesus our Lord, Dearest Holy Spirit, Dearest Heavenly Father bless you all always in all manner of thing, may Dearest Jesus our Lord be with us all always, abide with us with His Dearest Holy Spirit always, in Dearest Heavenly Father’s presence always . Hallelujah Amen, and Amen.

“Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
In the obedience of angels
God’s strength to pilot us,
God’s might to uphold us,
God’s wisdom to guide us,
God’s eye to look before us,
God’s ear to hear us,
God’s word to speak for us,
God’s hand to guard us,
God’s shield to protect us,
God’s host to save us
From snares of devils,
From temptation of vices,
Christ with us,
Christ before us,
Christ in us,
Christ above us,
Christ on our right,
Christ when we lie down,
Christ when we sit down,
Christ when we arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of us,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of us,
Christ in every eye that sees us,
Christ in every ear that hears us.
I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.”