Can the church help us?
If you are planning to get married please contact us and our minister will be pleased to talk with you. You’ll also find useful information at
As part of the legal process, prospective marriage partners will need to go to the local registry office and will be given a copy of a book called ‘Married Life’, which is a helpful resource for people thinking about the implications of getting married.
One of us is divorced. Is that OK?
The Methodist Church is generally willing to marry people who have been divorced, while their previous spouse is still alive, as long as there are not major pastoral reasons why it would be inappropriate to do so.
Does one of us have to be a Methodist?
People wanting to marry in church don’t have to be members of the church, but our minister will want to help you explore where you are on your spiritual journeys and to consider what the marriage service is asking of you in terms of your commitment to each other. Discussing what this means in practice will be part of the marriage preparation.
Same sex marriage
Following a resolution passed by the Methodist Conference in 2021, individual churches were asked to decide whether to register their buildings for same-sex marriage ceremonies, and ministers were asked whether they wish to conduct such marriages. The Church Council at Reigate Methodist voted in favour of registering, and our minister Elisabeth Brooks confirmed that she will conduct services, therefore any couples are welcome to talk to Elisabeth if they wish to use our church
Baptism and Confirmation
How do I go about getting myself or my child baptized?
If you are planning to get baptised yourself or to have your child baptised(Christening) please contact us and our minister will be very pleased to talk with you.
According to the Methodist Worship Book, baptism (or Christening) marks entry into the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, of which the Methodist Church is part.
Is there an alternative to baptism for our child?
Some people choose to have an Act of Thanksgiving after the Birth or Adoption of a Child so that their child can choose baptism for themselves when they feel ready.
Do different denominations have different baptisms?
There is one baptism, which is recognized by all the mainstream Churches that baptize infants, including the Methodist Church, the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. In these churches baptism as an infant would normally be followed by confirmation at the point where the person wishes to take on the commitment and responsibility of Christian discipleship for themselves and to play a full part in the life of the Church.