Dear Lord Jesus i pray that you please fill me and my partner With the Holy Ghost please pour out your spirit upon us and help us to be transformed by the power of The Holy Spirit to be more like Jesus everyday and to turn away from our sins and wicked ways in your Mighty name i pray Amen
2 years ago | Prayed 0 time(s)
Dear Lord Jesus help to reveal and open my eyes and help me to know the answer as to whether my partner is married or taken with another woman or not please help me to know and see as i don't want to sin against you in adultery if he is please help me to see the honesty help me to know if he really is in love with me and wants to marry and is able to marry me so i don't go against you or cause his wife to be a victim of adultery please Lord i need to know so i can be sure this is person you want me to be with help me to accept the truth and obey you despite the outcome in Jesus name Amen
2 years ago | Prayed 0 time(s)
Dear Lord Jesus if my partner has no one else and is being honest and cares for and loves me help him to forgive himself for trusting me at a time i hurt him most by cheating please help us both be and stay faithful to one another by The Power of The Holy Ghost help us to be a strong couple in the relationship that work through all the hardships please help us to surrender our issues to you and leave them there with strength and trust in you in Jesus name Amen
2 years ago | Prayed 0 time(s)
Dear Lord Jesus help my partner to always be honest with me no matter how hard it is and whether it will cause me hurt to know the truth help him to confess and repent of any lies he keeps if he has help him to be honest about things and grow in honesty by The Power of The Holy Ghost in Your Mighty name i pray Jesus Amen
2 years ago | Prayed 0 time(s)
Dear Lord Jesus i pray that you please save my friends and families souls Lord please grant them Salvation please draw them into a saving faith in Jesus Christ have mercy on them please let them know you and be with you where you are please help them before it is too late in Your Might name i pray Amen
2 years ago | Prayed 0 time(s)
Dear Lord Jesus please help me and my partner to forgive one another please help strengthen the bond and love between us help us to grow it everyday please help us to be open honest and loyal to one another please help us to grow together and make allowances for eachothers faults please help us to be faithful to one another and protect us from outside women and men and bad influences in Your Mighty name i pray Jesus Amen
i'm wanting to keep God in our relationship and thos in ferverant prayers.
2 years ago | Prayed 0 time(s)
【Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 】Matthew 16:16~17
Please pray for me(sangeun) and all of my family members(junghee dohan jieun hochul jeolja nosun zzomi jujeon) to know the Jesus and Gospel and the truth by Spirit of God and accept the Gospel and Jesus christ and believe in Jesus christ. and worship Father God in the Spirit and in truth not according to a person’s will but solely by the will intended by Jesus. and not to give up on Jesus christ and faith at any situation and repent of all our sins and be free from all our sins and be forgiven all our sins by Jesus and go to heaven surely.
Please pray for me(sangeun) and all of my family members(junghee dohan jieun hochul jeolja nosun zzomi jujeon) to believe that the Father is in the Son Jesus and that Jesus is in the Father. And to know the true father God. And Jesus Christ directly reveal the name of God the Father to all of us. And that God fulfil the Bible verses above for all of us. May God make impossible to make possible for all of us.
2 years ago | Prayed 0 time(s)
Good day
Please can you pray for my daughter Marlena to be delivered from sickness and be restored to good health, strengthened, happy and long life in Jesus Christ of Nazareth Almighty name amen
Thank you and God bless
2 years ago | Prayed 0 time(s)
I ask that you give me, my people(Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae), and all who read it and pray revelation by the will of God’s son and let us know the true father God. Please send us workers for the harvest. I desire for what you wish to gather as the following recorded Word be gathered through our lives, so Jesus, please come to us quickly with your sovereign power and take away all the armament of those who stole from us all this time and let us divide the spoil.
"But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Or how can anyone enter the strong man’s house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.”
Matthew 12:28-30